Next playing of ALTON team against AMAD NEZAJA
Next playing of ALTON team against AMAD NEZAJA
Next playing of ALTON team against AMAD NEZAJA
In order to expand the business , Apollo and Alton have set the first billboard of Apollo’s PCR Tires in Khouzestan , a province in south of Iran. Both companies are assured that this would make a great progress in … Continued
The partnership is entering a second three-year term and this time Apollo Tyres will be the Official Tyre Partner of Manchester United worldwide. The Club initially confirmed Apollo Tyres in August 2013 as a partner in the UK and India. … Continued
During this trip that took one day long , Apollo MEA Managers studied that area’s market and also met Alton Co’s dealers and listened to their suggestions and complaints about Apollo tyres. In this trip , the dealers of Amol … Continued
Apollo Tyres Ld. posted net income of 2.5 billion rupees on net sales of 29.7 billion rupees for its fourth quarter ended March 31, 2016. That compares to income of nearly 3.1 billion rupees on sales of 31.3 billion rupees … Continued
He replaces Jaap van Wessum, who has decided to “move on to a new challenge,” according to the company. Wessum has spent more than 20 years in various functions at Apollo Vredestein, the last six as head of sales. Van … Continued
Former Pirelli Tire CEO Francesco Gori has been appointed an additional, non-independent company director of Apollo Tyres’ management board, Tyres & Accessories reports. Gori joined Apollo Tyres as advisor of strategy in Oct. 2015. Apollo Tyres made the decision during … Continued
Apollo Tyres, in association with Manchester United, opened India’s first “Go the Distance” soccer field in Powai, Mumbai. Satish Sharma, president of Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa for Apollo, and Bryan Robson, former captain of Manchester United, inaugurated the … Continued